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The Fall and Rise of SVG

The Fall and Rise of SVG

SVG certainly crashed and burned before it rose like a phoenix from the ashes... Sometime in 1998, a former co-worker who had gone to work at Adobe came by my office at Bertlesmann to inform me of a brand new technology that she knew would excite me: PGML, or...

The controversy

The controversy is a 2.5-year-old Silicon Valley startup that claims to have solved the performance challenges of HTML5. HTML5 Performance "Performance challenges?" you might ask, but only if you hadn't yet heard the tales of Facebook and LinkedIn turning an about face from...

A Great Technologist Passes

A Great Technologist Passes

I only saw Steve Jobs twice, but he had a huge influence on my life at about 5 points that come to mind. I am very proud that such a person would come from Northern California, and Steve Jobs certainly represents the best you find in humanity. Really, the culture of...