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Customize Adobe
Express for Your
Unique Needs

Adobe Express Silicon Publishing


Silicon Publishing has been deep in Adobe technology for over 20 years. We are enthusiastic about the power of Express, and have already mastered extending it. This can be done in two ways: through add-ons for additional product functionality, and through the embed SDK, which lets you integrate Express into your own applications.


Enhance Adobe Express
User Experience with Add-Ons
Add-Ons let you add custom panels into Adobe Express that can do a wide range of things, including bringing more functionality to Express and connecting it to other systems. For example, we created the Box Connector add-on that lets you see your Box assets from right within Express.
Adobe Express Integration


Integrate Adobe Express within Your Own Application
The Embed SDK lets you take Express and use it inside of your own system or application. For example, we added Express to our Silicon Designer product. Users can start in your application, invoke Express at the appropriate time (i.e., after selecting an image they want to edit in Express), then return to the application when they are done working in Express.

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