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Asset Management meets Online Design: Silicon Designer for AEM Assets

At the Adobe Summit last week, Adobe presented our Silicon Designer for AEM as one of the features of their Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform, highlighting the strides they’ve made in extensibility and Creative Cloud integration. In their presentation entitled, “What’s New in Adobe Experience Manager Assets: Top DAM Features,” Josh Ramirez and Elliot Sedegah shared 10 recent steps forward for AEM Assets 6.4, one of them being tight integration with Silicon Designer.

This represents great progress for AEM Assets, and is a real milestone for Silicon Designer. Since encountering AEM’s ancestor Day CQ in 2010, we’ve offered at least a loose coupling between Designer and AEM (which was born when Adobe acquired Day that same year), but during the past few years AEM has advanced while we’ve seen a greater awareness within Adobe of the criticality of integration with Creative Cloud applications (including our beloved InDesign).

Advances in AEM are continuing to empower third party tools such as Silicon Designer. Designer lets users customize a special class of InDesign templates to create subassets (InDesign documents, PDFs, or web-assets generated from the source InDesign) within the AEM DAM, supporting easy localization and customization, as well as many other use cases.

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