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The Fall and Rise of SVG

The Fall and Rise of SVG

SVG certainly crashed and burned before it rose like a phoenix from the ashes... Sometime in 1998, a former co-worker who had gone to work at Adobe came by my office at Bertlesmann to inform me of a brand new technology that she knew would excite me: PGML, or...

Standards are the Present

Standards are the Present

I was writing a press release recently, and I was just about to write a heading that has been something of a mantra the past 20 years: "Standards are the Future". But I paused, realizing the product I was describing is completely standards-based, thanks to recent...

Good News and Bad News for HTML5

Good News and Bad News for HTML5

I am at the HTML5 Developers' Conference in San Francisco. One of my friends said "it must feel like Christmas for you over there" and it actually does feel that way, not in the sense of "everything is easy now" but more in the sense of "our path forward is clear."...

The Two Perspectives on XML

The Two Perspectives on XML

I have been working with XML since it was a glimmer in the eye of Jon Bosak. In fact, before XML was conceived, there was SGML; this evolution of SGML represented a streamlining for the web, but at its core there was not much functional difference. In fact, the new...

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